Interest Rate Implications on The Real Estate Market

In Nigeria, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) plays a pivotal role in setting monetary policies that directly affect interest rates. Recently, the CBN has made significant changes to its monetary policy to address economic challenges, impacting the real estate sector in various ways.

The aim is to regulate economic growth, control inflation, and stabilize the value of the national currency.

The CBN’s recent monetary policy adjustments, including changes in the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR), have far-reaching implications. By increasing the MPR, the CBN aims to curb inflation and stabilize the naira.

How Interest Rates Affect Real Estate Markets

    1. Mortgage Rates and Affordability

      • Higher Borrowing Costs: When the CBN raises interest rates, commercial banks increase their lending rates, making mortgages more expensive. This leads to higher monthly payments for homebuyers, reducing overall affordability.

      • Reduced Demand: As mortgages become less affordable, fewer people can qualify for loans, leading to decreased demand for residential properties. This can slow down the real estate market, as fewer transactions occur.
    2. Property Values

      • Declining Prices: Higher interest rates can lead to a decrease in property values. With reduced demand, sellers may need to lower prices to attract buyers.
      • Market Correction: In overheated markets, rising interest rates can trigger a market correction, bringing property prices down to more sustainable levels.
    3. Investment Decisions

      • Investment Diversification: Higher interest rates often make real estate less attractive compared to other investment vehicles like bonds or stocks, which might offer better returns. Investors may shift their focus away from real estate, impacting overall funding transactions.
      • Cost of Financing: Real estate developers and investors face higher financing costs, which can slow down new construction projects and reduce the supply of new properties.
    4. Rental Market Dynamics

      • Increased Rental Demand: As homeownership becomes more expensive, more people may turn to renting, driving up demand for rental properties.
      • Higher Rents: Landlords may raise rents in response to increased demand and higher financing costs, affecting affordability in the rental market.
    • Market Stabilization: Over time, the market may stabilize as inflation is brought under control, restoring confidence among investors and homebuyers.
    • Sustainable Growth: By curbing excessive inflation, the CBN’s policy can promote more sustainable growth in the real estate sector, preventing market bubbles.

Overall, the adjustment of MPR by the CBN would result in specific outcome such as: Market Stabilization which will restore investors and homebuyers confidence, sustainable Growth in the real estate sector, preventing market bubbles.

Impact on Different Segments

  • Luxury vs. Affordable Housing: The impact of interest rate changes can vary across different market segments. Luxury properties may experience a slowdown, while demand for affordable housing may remain relatively stable due to persistent housing shortages.

  • Commercial Real Estate: Higher interest rates can affect the commercial real estate sector by increasing the cost of financing large projects, potentially slowing down new developments and affecting rental rates for office and retail spaces.

The Duo Rent to Own Scheme comes under the affordable property segment. It can be seen as a conventional mortgage without going through a bank, where a subscriber is only required to pay 5%-25% equity to secure a unit.


Interest rates significantly influence the real estate market, affecting everything from property values and investment decisions to rental dynamics and housing affordability. The recent adjustments in the Central Bank of Nigeria’s monetary policy highlight the importance of understanding these dynamics.

By staying informed and adopting strategic measures, real estate stakeholders can handle the challenges and opportunities presented by changing interest rates, ensuring sustainable growth and profitability in the Nigerian real estate market.

Glory Ademola-Ojerinde

Business Development Associate