High-yield investments in Nigeria

Top 10 High-Yield Investments in Nigeria, 2024

As a seasoned investor, I can tell you that high-yield investments in Nigeria are the secret weapon to seriously grow your wealth, from real estate to stocks and beyond. 

But hold on!

High returns often come with a side of risk. Sometimes, they don’t work out the way we hope. The market can change fast, and you could lose money.

That’s where diversification comes in – spreading your cash across different investments. 

By doing this, you can reduce the risk of losing a lot. If one investment goes bad, another might do well, which helps keep your money more stable.

Let’s dive in! I’m about to show you some high-yield investments in Nigeria. 

Top 10 High-Yield Investments in Nigeria

  1. Real Estate (Rental Properties)
  2. Agriculture
  3. Treasury Bills and Government Bonds
  4. Stock Market
  5. Fixed Deposits and Savings Accounts
  6. Mutual Funds and Investment Trusts
  7. Energy Sector Investments
  8. Fintech and Startups
  9. Commodities Trading
  10. Foreign Currency Trading (Forex)

1. Real Estate (Rental Properties)

Investing in rental properties is a great way to make money in Nigeria. This is because renting out properties can give you a steady flow of cash. 

Over time, these properties usually go up in value. This means the real estate you buy now could be worth a lot more later.

When you think about rental properties, you should look at where they are, what kind of property it is, and how the rental market is doing. 

For example, in Lagos, especially in places like Lekki where I live, properties can be rented out for more money and attract good tenants.

On the other hand, if you don’t want to deal with physical properties, you can look into Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). 

REITs let you invest in real estate without having to own the properties yourself. They pay you money through dividends.

As an investor seeking a strategic way to invest in rental properties, especially in Lagos, innovative rent-to-own schemes like DUO by Mixta Africa can be a game-changer.

By leveraging DUO, you become the owner of a valuable property in just 3 years. This short investment window allows you to recycle your capital quickly and reinvest in other opportunities.

2. Agriculture

Investing in agriculture and agribusiness in Nigeria can be highly beneficial due to the country’s rich agricultural potential. 

Crop production, livestock farming, and agro-processing offer high yields. The sector also benefits from government incentives and growing domestic and international demand.

Some factors to Consider before investing in Agriculture

  • Type of Agriculture: Decide whether to focus on crop production, livestock, or agro-processing based on your interests, skills, and market demand.
  • Market Demand: Research the market to identify high-demand products that can offer profitable returns.
  • Sustainability Practices: Implement eco-friendly and sustainable farming practices to ensure long-term viability and compliance with regulations.

3. Treasury Bills and Government Bonds

Investing in treasury bills and government bonds is considered safe because the government backs these instruments. They provide fixed returns over a specified period, making them suitable for risk-averse investors looking for stable income streams.

Before investing, it’s important to compare the maturity periods and interest rates to align with your financial objectives, ensuring a balance between liquidity and profitability.

4. Stock Market

The stock market can be a lucrative investment avenue, offering high returns for well-chosen stocks. Success in stock market investing requires analyzing market trends, evaluating company performance, and understanding broader economic factors.

Diversification across different sectors can reduce risk, and it is advisable to start with companies that consistently perform well or show growth potential.

5. Fixed Deposits and Savings Accounts

Fixed deposits and savings accounts are straightforward, low-risk investment options. They offer a fixed interest rate over a specific period, providing a predictable income stream.

While the returns might be lower than riskier investments, they offer security and stability, making them suitable for conservative investors.

6. Mutual Funds and Investment Trusts

Mutual funds and investment trusts are ideal for those who prefer a hands-off investment approach. These funds pool money from multiple investors to create a diversified portfolio managed by professional fund managers.

The portfolio can include stocks, bonds, and other assets, offering a balance of risk and return that can be tailored to individual investor preferences.

Factors to Consider

  • Fund Type: Based on your risk tolerance and investment goals, choose between equity, debt, or balanced funds.
  • Fund Performance: Review the fund’s historical performance and the management team’s expertise.

7. Energy Sector Investments

Nigeria’s energy sector, particularly in oil and gas and increasingly in renewable energy, offers substantial investment opportunities.

However, this sector can be volatile and is influenced by both domestic and global market conditions.

Investors need to consider regulatory environments, global energy prices, and technological advancements in energy production when making investment decisions.

8. Fintech and Startups

The fintech and startup ecosystem in Nigeria is burgeoning, driven by innovation and a growing market demand. Investing in startups and fintech companies can be highly profitable but comes with high risk.

Careful evaluation of the business model, market potential, and the management team’s expertise is essential to identify companies with the potential for significant growth and return on investment.

9. Commodities Trading

Commodities trading involves buying and selling goods like oil, gold, and agricultural products. It can be profitable but requires an understanding of complex market trends and a risk tolerance.

Price fluctuations can be significant, so investors need to stay informed about global market dynamics and geopolitical factors that may affect prices.

10. Foreign Currency Trading (Forex)

Forex trading involves buying and selling currencies to make a profit.

It’s a high-risk, high-return investment that demands a thorough understanding of currency market trends, global economic conditions, and geopolitical events.

Successful forex traders are often those who can analyze market signals and respond swiftly to changes.

Factors to Consider

  • Market Knowledge: Understand global economic indicators and currency market trends deeply.
  • Risk Tolerance: Be aware of the risks involved in forex trading and have a clear risk management strategy.

Investment Scams to Avoid in Nigeria

When investing in Nigeria, you need to watch out for scams. Here are some common ones to avoid:

  1. Ponzi Schemes: These scams promise quick and high returns but just use the new investors’ money to pay the old ones. They fail when new people stop joining, causing most people to lose their money.
  2. Unrealistic Returns: If an investment says it will give you big returns with no risk, be suspicious. Real investments usually have some risk, and the higher the return, the higher the risk should be.
  3. Unregistered Investments: Stay away from investments not registered with the Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or similar regulators. Registered investments are more likely to be real and checked by authorities.
  4. High-Pressure Sales Tactics: Watch out for sellers who push you to make fast decisions with phrases like “limited-time offer.” Good investments don’t need you to rush.
  5. Unsolicited Offers: Be careful with investment offers that come out of nowhere, especially through email, social media, or phone calls from people you don’t know. Trustworthy companies usually don’t do business like this.


Investing in Nigeria can be very profitable because of its varied and active market. However, it’s important to think carefully and plan well. 

Doing lots of research and knowing how much risk you can handle will help you succeed in investing. 

I can help get started on a high-yield investment today – With the DUO innovative scheme, you can secure a property at today’s price of N1.67M, guaranteed for 3 years. 

While the purchase price remains fixed, the rental market allows you to sublet the property at higher rates than the fixed annual rent of N1.5M. 

This translates to immediate positive cash flow from day one. If you’re interested, I’ve got you. 

Remember, whether you’re interested in real estate, stocks, or something else, you should make choices that fit your financial goals and how much risk you’re willing to take.


Author’s Note: Hi, I’m Joy – a seasoned finance professional based in Lekki, Lagos. I balance

a fulfilling career with successful real estate investments in Nigeria. Join me as I share insights

on navigating the world of real estate investments in Nigeria. Let’s find your dream home and

unlock financial success together!