ways to invest in real estate in Nigeria

Best 7 Ways To Invest in Real Estate in Nigeria, 2024

Real estate in Nigeria is booming, and it’s not just for the big guys!  

This exciting market offers everyday people like you and me a chance to build wealth and secure our financial future. 

You can earn regular money from renting out properties without having to work a daily job. Also, the value of real estate can go up over time, which means you can make more money when you sell it later.

Read on as I am about to give you the secrets on how to invest in real estate in Nigeria!

7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate in Nigeria

Here are 7 ways to invest in real estate in Nigeria:

  • Direct Property Purchase
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Property Flipping
  • Commercial Real Estate Investment
  • Residential Development
  • Joint Venture Investments
  • Agricultural Land Investment

1. Direct Property Purchase

Buying property is a clear way to invest. You can buy it to rent out or live in. First, you need to find a property, check it out thoroughly, talk about the price, and deal with the legal and money stuff.

In Nigeria, you can pay for a property with a mortgage or a personal loan. Banks and other financial places have different mortgage options that depend on how much money you make.

 They let you pay back the money over 10 to 30 years. Personal loans are another choice, but they might have higher interest rates.

The main benefit of buying property is that you can earn regular income from renting it out, and its value might go up. 

However, there are risks, too, such as changes in the market, the property losing value, or problems managing the property and tenants.

Buying Lagos real estate is tough: big costs, and lots of steps.

But what if you could invest with less money and a clear path to owning it?

DUO by Mixta Africa helps you own a Lagos home with rent instead of a big down payment or long mortgage.

As an investor, you can expect consistent rental income throughout the rent-to-own period, generating immediate cash flow.

Why You Should Invest in Direct Property Purchase

  • Capital Appreciation: Real estate in growing areas of Nigeria often appreciates over time, providing high returns on investment.
  • Rental Income: Owning property can generate steady rental income, creating a continuous cash flow that can increase with market demand.
  • Control and Flexibility: Direct ownership gives you control over the property, allowing decisions on property use, improvements, and rental terms.


  • Property values can decrease due to economic downturns, changes in local market conditions, or oversupply in the market.
  • Direct ownership involves responsibilities like maintenance, repairs, and managing tenant relationships, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Real estate is not easy to sell quickly for its full market value.

2. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are companies that own, finance, or manage income-generating real estate across various sectors. By investing in a REIT, individuals can buy shares in commercial real estate portfolios, which can include office buildings, retail spaces, apartments, and warehouses. 

This form of investment allows individuals to earn dividends from real estate without having to buy, manage, or finance any properties directly.

Benefits: REITs offer investors the chance to gain exposure to the real estate market with less capital and provide liquidity because shares can be traded like stocks. 

They also offer regular income through dividends and potential capital appreciation.

Risks: REIT investments are subject to market fluctuations and economic conditions that can affect real estate demand and value. Their performance is also tied to the management’s ability to secure profitable tenants and manage properties effectively.

3. Property Flipping

Property flipping involves purchasing real estate at a low price, improving it through renovations or repairs, and selling it at a higher price for a profit. 

Flippers need to understand the real estate market well, have a good sense of property values in different neighborhoods, and know how much renovations will cost and add to the property’s value.

Benefits: The main advantage of property flipping is the potential for quick, significant profits. Flipping also allows investors to work on different projects over time, which can diversify risks.

Risks: The risks include unexpected renovation costs, overestimating the property’s market value, or facing a downturn in the real estate market, which can all diminish profits or lead to losses.

4. Commercial Real Estate Investment

Commercial real estate investment involves purchasing properties used for business purposes, such as offices, retail spaces, warehouses, and industrial buildings. 

These properties are usually leased to businesses and can offer longer lease terms compared to residential real estate, leading to a more stable and predictable income stream.

Benefits: Higher rental income potential and longer lease agreements provide stable cash flow. Commercial tenants often assume responsibility for property maintenance and repairs, reducing the owner’s management burden.

Risks: The initial investment can be high, and commercial properties may be more susceptible to economic downturns, which can affect tenant businesses and their ability to pay rent.

5. Residential Development

Residential development involves purchasing land and constructing housing units to sell or rent. Developers can create various types of residential environments, from single-family homes to multi-unit apartment buildings. 

This process includes acquiring land, planning and designing the development, obtaining necessary permits, constructing the buildings, and then selling or leasing the finished units.

Benefits: Significant profit potential from selling or renting out developed properties. Developers can also influence the market by creating high-demand housing types in desirable locations.

Risks: High capital requirements and longer development periods increase exposure to market risks. Developers must navigate regulatory approvals, construction challenges, and market demand fluctuations.

6. Joint Venture Investments

Joint ventures in real estate involve two or more parties pooling resources to invest in a property or development project. These collaborations can include partnerships between investors, developers, and other stakeholders who share the project’s costs, risks, and profits.

Benefits: Access to larger projects and shared expertise can lead to better decision-making and increased profit potential. Risks and costs are divided among the partners, reducing individual exposure.

Risks: The potential for conflicts between partners and reliance on joint decision-making can complicate project management and profit distribution.

7. Agricultural Land Investment

Investing in agricultural land involves purchasing property used for farming or agribusiness activities. Investors can lease the land to farmers or engage directly in agricultural production. This type of investment taps into the agricultural sector’s potential, considering Nigeria’s vast arable land and the growing demand for food and agricultural products.

Benefits: Steady income from leasing land to farmers or from the sale of agricultural produce. As the demand for food and agricultural products increases, the value of productive land tends to rise, offering the potential for capital appreciation.

Risks: Agricultural investment is subject to environmental and market risks. Factors like weather conditions, pests, and fluctuating market prices for crops and livestock can impact profitability. Additionally, the agricultural sector requires knowledge and management expertise to navigate these challenges successfully.

Understanding Real Estate Investment Options in Nigeria

Before I talk about how you invest in real estate, let’s understand the real estate investment options in Nigeria.

  • Real Estate Asset Classes

There are different types of real estate investments: residential, commercial, and land.

  1. Residential Real Estate: This includes homes and apartments. Many people want these properties in Nigeria, especially in big cities like Lagos and Abuja. This demand makes residential real estate a good choice for investors wanting to earn rental income or sell for profit.
  2. Commercial Real Estate: This type includes business properties like offices and shops. Commercial properties in Nigeria, especially in big cities, can bring in more rent money than residential properties. This is because the economy is growing, and businesses need space.
  3. Land: Buying land means owning a piece of property that might increase in value, especially in developing areas. It’s seen as a good investment in Nigeria, especially near big cities where the land can become much more valuable. A perfect example is Lagos New Town, a visionary project by Mixta Africa.
  • Ownership Structures in Nigeria

In Nigeria, it’s important to know about the two main ways you can own property:

Freehold Ownership

Freehold means you have complete ownership of the property and the land it stands on, with no time limit on how long you can own it. This type of ownership is highly sought after because it grants the owner full control over the property. 

Investing in freehold properties is particularly attractive because it offers a sense of permanence and stability. No need to worry about lease expiration or renewals, which is a big advantage in Nigeria’s dynamic real estate market. 

Leasehold Ownership

Leasehold ownership means you can use the property for a specific period, usually 50 to 99 years, in Nigeria. This often happens in cities, where land is valuable, and the government or private companies want to control land use and development for a long time.

Leasehold properties can be less expensive than freehold ones, making them more accessible to a broader range of investors. The lease term affects the value of the property and the owner’s ability to use it as a financial asset.

Nigeria’s real estate market has been strong lately, and after tough economic times, it’s getting better. In places like Lagos, home values have been going up by about 13%


The real estate market in Nigeria has many different ways to invest, each with its opportunities and challenges. 

You can choose from buying properties directly, investing in real estate companies, renovating and selling properties, and more.

You can start your investment DUO by becoming the owner of a valuable property in just 3 years. This investment window allows you to recycle your capital quickly and reinvest in other opportunities.

Author’s Note: Hi, I’m Joy – a seasoned finance professional based in Lekki, Lagos. I balance

a fulfilling career with successful real estate investments in Nigeria. Join me as I share insights

on navigating the world of real estate investments in Nigeria. Let’s find your dream home and

unlock financial success together!